All GTAs must attend the workshop before teaching at Missouri S&T. The workshop is held three times per year; January, May, and August.

Upcoming Workshops: 

  • May 8, 2025
  • August 6, 2025 
  • January 7, 2026

The workshop is a one-day event and students must attend it in its entirety.

Timeline for GTA Workshop: 

  • Names are submitted throughout the year using the Google Form. 
  • SPEAK testing is offered approximately for 2-3 weeks a month or so before the next workshop 
  • Student names may be submitted up to one week prior to the GTA workshop date (please keep in mind that students must pass the English proficiency requirement to be eligible to attend the GTA workshop). 
  • Milestones will be added to the student's record in Joe'SS the day after the workshop.

The GTA Workshop, required by Missouri state law {see Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 170-170.012}, is designed to provide prospective graduate teaching assistants with a cultural orientation to help them become a more effective classroom communicator. The workshop will also provide resources to help manage their classroom and to better serve their students. 

In special cases, departments may request an exception to the requirements by submitting a waiver form (GTA Workshop WaiverGTA Workshop WaiverGTA Residency WaiverGTA Residency Waiver). (Please note that there is not a waiver for the English proficiency requirement, which must be met before a waiver can be approved.)  

Click the link below to view the processes for the GTA Workshop and English Proficiency Requirement

Processes for GTA Workshop and English Proficiency Requirement-GE